Personal and Professional correspondence written by George Anderson
- November 8, 1942 – Here is a letter Dad wrote where he “casually” describes the circumstances of his going to war.
- January 11, 1945 – Here is a letter written from Europe during World War II. Of particular interest is the final paragraph where dad shares his lifelong view of the “things” of this world. This later became one of the major themes of his teaching and preaching. In one of his sermons, dad related that the saddest thing that he ever saw was a woman in Europe with a cart stacked up high with all of her personal, “worldly” possessions refusing to go into the air raid shelter and being blown to pieces.
- June 3, 1945 letter to Gramma -Dad explains to his mother that at one point only a dozen of the men in his original company are left.
- June 16, 1956 letter to Dr. Harry K. Holland, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Presbyterian College – A letter citing some of the reasons for dad leaving Presbyterian College in South Carolina.
- May 2, 1957 letter to Dr. J. Rupert McGregory, President of Montreat College – letter of resignation from Montreat.
Correspondence from George Anderson citing reasons for leaving the Presbyterian Church in the United States.
- July 19, 1968 letter to Dr. L.B. Gibbs, Holston Presbytery
- July 21, 1968 letter to Dr. R.T.L. Liston, The Commission of Holston Presbytery
- October 13, 1968 letter to Reverend William E. Hill, Jr., Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship
- May 29, 1969 letter to Dr. R.T.L. Liston, Chairman of The Pastoral Commission of the Holston Presbytery
- September 27, 1969 letter to Dr. R.T.L. Liston, Chairman of The Pastoral Commission of the Holston Presbytery
- Uncommon Courage – The following article was written about Dad, but he refused to have it printed.
- “The Real Issue” published in the Presbyterian Journal issue of May 23, 1973 – an article Dad wrote about his view of truth.
- What is Christianity? – Dad was one of the few preachers I know who preached all the way through the Bible. He did this 3 or 4 times! But occasionally he would preach a sermon that dealt with issues close to his heart. This is one such sermon that reflects his love for the Gospel and concern that Christianity really be understood.
- Introduction to Study in Jeremiah – Dad once taught a course on the book of Jeremiah at Covenant Seminary in St. Louis. Jeremiah seemed to be his favorite book in the Bible. At the beginning of his notes, I found this information that he wrote about himself during the biggest crisis of his life.