Clothe Me with Pow’r
Acts 1:4… Wait for the promise of the Father..
Luke 24:49… Endued with power from on high..
Clothe Me with Pow’r
Verse 1
Clothe me with power from on high.
Cause me to wait till Thou art nigh.
With signs that do accompany
Then faith shall travel far through me!
Clothe me with power, heav’nly pow’r
To triumph in the darkest hour!
With trumpet voice let me proclaim
That Christ arose and lives again!
Verse 2
Clothe me with the power, from on high
Let earth recede, and heav’n be nigh
His seamless robe that did adorn (so kingly worn)
Envelope me, as Christ is born!
Verse 3
In rags and weakness I confess
I have no claim to righteousness.
A rare exchange at once is made!
Christ’s righteousness on me is laid!
Verse 4
With boldness, thing while God does aid
I don His dress that cannot fade.
Because no watchman ever cried
Shall one be lost for whom Christ died?